Andrej Bjiuklic
Slovenia – 1985

When did you start kayaking?
They put me in a kayak before I even knew what it was, but my true passion for it started on a kayak trip in Corsica in 2002. That was where I got diagnosed for a persisting sickness called “neverenoughkayaking”.
What is your claim to fame?
Here in Slovenia people get claim to fame in multiple bizarre ways, so I guess that kayaking is a normal way of claim to fame, compare it with some extravagant pop stars.
What is your preferred style of kayaking?
“Start fast and then accelerate”. I like to be progressive, always try something new, grow and learn with the sport of kayaking. But for sure the main point is to have fun.
Why do you paddle a Dragorossi?
I like to be fast on the water and push the limits of the impossible, this is why you need a Drago Rossi boat and women like it… (I’m talking about the brand!).
What would you like to do, that you have not had the chance to do yet?
I like the title of a Dave Manby`s book “Many Rivers to Run”. I think this tittle speaks for it self.
Ander de Miguel Aranaz
Spain – 1995
When did you start kayaking?
I stated when I was six years old with my father ans his friends in the local rivers of Navarra. After that I started to compeat in some freestyle kayaking nactional and international competitions, and become a solid class five creek boater.
What is your claim to fame? Best result?
I am well known in Spain and all over the world because of my kayaking skills and result in different competitions. I would like to stand out as the best result the 10º place (Senior) on the ICF Freestyle Kayaking World Championsips in San Juan, Argentina.
What is your preferred style of kayaking?
I love all kind of white water kayaking, but specially creek and freestyle boating.
Why do you paddle a Dragorossi?
Because there are some of the best creek boats of the market.
I usually make some extrem kayaking competitions and the last designs are really fast and very easy to move.
What would you like to do, that you have not had the chance to do yet?
I wold like to run the Stikine Canyon (BC, Candada) and the Indus (Pakistan) in the next few years.

Michiel De Ruytter

When did you start kayaking?
I started whitewater kayaking when I was 12 years old, but there’s definitely some old pictures with my mum in the kayak at an age I could barely walk…
What is your claim to fame?
My grand grand grandfather (or my namesake anyways) was a Dutch admiral who conquered the British fleet and he’s got a statue in Vlissingen.
What is your preferred style of kayaking?
Big volume creeking. In general, I like a good amount of water under my bum!
Why do you paddle a Dragorossi?
Because I like the designs the most. I’ve paddled a lot of different boats, but never felt as good as in a DR.
What would you like to do, that you have not had the chance to do yet?
Go on a remote multiday somewhere with my dad, who’s taught mw how to kayak.
Diego Valsecchi
Argentina – 1977
When did you start kayaking?
I was a water person since i was borne,I run my first class V at 17.
What is your claim to fame?
My passion for kayaking and the decision to run first descents and legendary rivers around the world, maybe put me some where there.
What is your preferred style of kayaking?
Big water is top of the list by far!! But I love creeking, kayak surf, slalom, freestyle, squirt and swimming!
Why do you paddle a Dragorossi?
They are smooth and fast, they have great driving, and they can be radical any time you want.
What would you like to do, that you have not had the chance to do yet?
Climate change and humanity disdain for water and life in general, put me on to the compromise to help the planet with actions with good ideas to talk and share. I hope my grain of sandjoint many others on the same cosmovision, we will make it?

Fredy Burcio Rodriguez
Spain – 1988

When did you start kayaking?
I started kayaking when I was 16, in my hometown village in Extremadura, and my first descent was the holy and mythical Jerte river.
What is your claim to fame?
My goal is to share all my knowledge about kayaking in white water with as much people as possible, transmitting my passion and respect, creating a noble and humble lifestyle, of drive and respect.
What is your preferred style of kayaking?
My favorite style of Kayak is creeking combined with volume, the idea of putting the paddle where there is all the pressure and that takes you strong and high .. forward and upward … My favorite river is the Marsyandy in Nepal.
Why do you paddle a Dragorossi?
I’m paddling a Dragorossi because apart from having an incredible design and aesthetic that allows you to be in any kind river scene feeling that you and the kayak are one, also another great reason is because the managers and owners of this brand are great persons that makes me happy to have them in my life and be part of a small grain of their family.
What would you like to do, that you have not had the chance to do yet?
I really want to do the Stikine Canyon with a Dr9, shoot a good movie of the Stikine descent with the whole Dragorossi team.
Vitta Pamina
Italy – 1979
When did you start kayaking?
I started playing kayak polo in 2000 and river running in 2004.
What is your claim to fame?
I guess that would be Norway 2008 when my true, acute, sincere addiction to tuna fish cans became notorious to the public, together with my matchless cooking ability…
What is your preferred style of kayaking?
Big water.
Why do you paddle a Dragorossi?
Because I literally fall in love with 88, the easiest, most confortable caring compagnon I ever wanted. And of course because it is such a great feeling to paddle an italian boat. It makes me proud of my flag. And now please stand up and sing the Italian Nation Anthem with your right hand on your heart with me.
What would you like to do, that you have not had the chance to do yet?
I’d like to paddle US west coast, climb Mount Kilimanjaro and Pisquo Peak in Perù, take 10 years off my ID, iron my hairs and make them straight, read all the books I always wanted to read and sleep 24 hours in a row without loosing a day. Possibly spend the rest of my life travelling with a dog and a kayak along. What??? No, not at all I am not a dreamer; I am hopeless!

Marcello Parmigiani
Italy – 1971

When did you start kayaking?
25 april 1995 wen I was 14, since then I have never stopped.
What is your claim to fame?
I do the most difficult rapids on the globe. I participated in many competitions without ever being first. I participated in many expeditions around the world Indonesia, Chile, Venezuela, Ecuador, Marocco, Reunion, Laos, Thailand, Brasil, Costa Rica, Norway, all Europe… but I’m not famous 🙂
What is your preferred style of kayaking?
I love all style of kayaking, first creeking, then river running, slalom and playboating.
Why do you paddle a Dragorossi?
Because Dragorossi is not only a kayak, it’s something more! It’s a big family with incredible team riders and rep spread all around the world.
What would you like to do, that you have not had the chance to do yet?
Paddling the rest of best river in the planet, in first Rio Baker.
Paolo Buzzi
Italy – 1969
When did you start kayaking?
I started kayaking in 1990, after 7 years in competitive weightlifting.
What is your claim to fame?
Claim to fame… big words! I was probably one of the first to be river running in a small boat and doing the McLaren Falls, NZ in 1999 coming out unscathed. I kayak every weekend chasing that water!
What is your preferred style of kayaking?
There’s only one word for me: Whitewater! River running & Creeking.
Why do you paddle a Dragorossi?
Well, I’ve been with Dragorossi a few years now and their kayaks are of high performance and absolutely innovative designs. At Dragorossi, from the design to the production line nothing is left to chance. We testimonials test out the boats in all conditions, giving all the necessary feedback to get the perfect kayak.
What would you like to do, that you have not had the chance to do yet?
I’ve been to Canada before so in the near future I hope to do the Stikine River!

Giovanni De Gennaro
Italy – 1992

When did you start kayaking?
I started when I was kid, around 6 years old.
What is your claim to fame?
I’m a member of italian slalom team, I won junior world champs in 2010, I took part in finals in senior world cup. I’m world champion in U23 team race. Next goal is to win an Olympic medal in the discipline of slalom.
What is your preferred style of kayaking?
I do love free styling and riding big flow rivers.
Why do you paddle a Dragorossi?
I love the style of the boats and what they allowed me to do on the water.
What would you like to do, that you have not had the chance to do yet?
I’d like to travel for some years searching some new rivers to explore while meeting different cultures.
Frederik Beccaro
Italy – 1968
When did you start kayaking?
I have been canoeing since 1984 and I was 16 years old.
What is your claim to fame?
When I started in 1984 I ran most kind of kayaks discipline such as wild water, slalom and polo. In early ’90 I understood that my claim to fame is sharing kayak with most paddlers as possible.
What is your preferred style of kayaking?
I love river trips and river running is my favorite style. Dragorossi boats are also excellent for this purpose. Some of them, like the Critical Mass for example, also have a hatch for river trips.
Why do you paddle a Dragorossi?
Because it’s a friendly team and because I like italian manufacturer since I can be in touch withproducer and share my impression with. I am proud to be a ambassador of Dragorossi brand from its birth.
What would you like to do, that you have not had the chance to do yet?
I’d like to do a few day river trip with my fellow Dragorossi.

Marco Guidi
Italy – 1986

When did you start kayaking?
I start kayaking in 1997.
What is your claim to fame?
I don’t want fame, I just want enjoy this life style…
What is your preferred style of kayaking?
I love creeking.
Why do you paddle a Dragorossi?
I like this kayak design and it make very high performance creeking kayak.
What would you like to do, that you have not had the chance to do yet?
Paddle the stikine river.
Andrea Colombo
Italy – 1986
Ho iniziato a pagaiare da bambino alla fine degli anni ’90, la mia prima canoa da freestyle è stato un prototipo della Voodoo (Rainbow), dal 2008 ho iniziato a pagaiare ufficialmente con Dragorossi e da quel momento non ho più smesso, perché ho sempre trovato dei modelli adatti al mio stile e con cui ho potuto crescere anche a livello tecnico.
Oggi pagaio con Dragorossi perché il design è sempre al passo con i tempi, i materiali sono ottimi, tutti i modelli sono studiati dai canoisti per i canoisti e perché dietro al marchio c’è una fabbrica all’avanguardia e con un enorme bagaglio di esperienze che sforna il top del made in Italy.

Giorgio Codeluppi
Italy – 1969

When did you start kayaking?
in 1986.
What is your claim to fame?
I don’t wanna be famous, just paddling with my DragoRossi team mates on all the rivers in the world.
What is your preferred style of kayaking?
Riverrunning e multiday expedition.
Why do you paddle a Dragorossi?
Because DragoRossi are unconventional kayaks and they are all about funny to use.
What would you like to do, that you have not had the chance to do yet?
Spending a full year without working and just paddling all around the world.
Davide Longoni
Italy – 1990
When did you start kayaking?
Around the age of 10, thanks to my dad that taught me.
What is your preferred style of kayaking?
I like medium volume creeks, with tons of boof and rapid to style.
Why do you paddle a Dragorossi?
I paddle Dragorossi because this boats are always on the edge and give me the chance to become a better and smoother kayaker.
What would you like to do, that you have not had the chance to do yet?
I would like to go to Nepal and to do some river trips there!
Pagaio Dragorossi perché mi piace l’originalità di queste canoe, che ti permettono di godere delle discese in fiume, di ascoltare l’acqua ma ti supportano nell’affrontare le discese impegnative. E poi nel team Dragorossi ci si sente veramente parte di un gruppo che ha voglia di fare ma ti fa sentire sempre a casa.

Cristian De Dionigi
Italy – 1992

When did you start kayaking?
I started creeking when I was 14 and started paddling slalom when I was 16. Since then I’ve always combined both the disciplines.
What is your claim to fame?
I’m in the national team for Canoe Slalom and I won the Extreme Slalom World Championship in 2018.
What is your preferred style of kayaking?
I love paddling down rivers, playing with the water, catching eddies and having fun.
Why do you paddle a Dragorossi?
I love Dragorossi’s style, the way the boats glide on the water and of course the Dragorossi team!
What would you like to do, that you have not had the chance to do yet?
I’m always busy training and racing but I really want to do a big kayak expedition one of these years.
Marco Merini
Italy – 1972
When did you start kayaking?
in 1986.
What is your claim to fame?
Keep on discovering the world with my friends and my Kayak.
What is your preferred style of kayaking?
Expedition style kayaking.
Why do you paddle a Dragorossi?
Because they are fast, precise and captivating.
What would you like to do, that you have not had the chance to do yet?
A river trip on the Brahmaputra river in Himalaya.